When compared to the problems with the social environment, of course people will be more intense review, analyze and find solutif argument f...

Environment As a Social Problem

When compared to the problems with the social environment, of course people will be more intense review, analyze and find solutif argument for social problem-solving. Trully, environmental problems are more inherent and closer to the pattern of human behavior. Can be said is the point of environmental issues into the early emergence of social problems. Concrete examples that can be used as illustrated above opinion is garbage. Waste problem is closely related to the values of community concern and awareness to keep the environment clean.
A little more at play here the behavior, attitudes that are embedded in each individual in the sense of garbage will take effect in terms of latent social. When the raised negative perceptions of individuals will waste as useless stuff then no doubt will bring environmental problems and social problems which arose thereafter. Flooding problems, water pollution will be closely related to the problem of water resource conservation, land and the catchment. To some extent that environmental problems will also affect the social life of society that will lead to other sosial.Contoh gap of these linkages is the case of deforestation (deforestation) and illegal logging. The opening of the forest because of economic factors make some people who were displaced in rural areas. Or even a resident of a country that demands the expansion of deforestation by foreign companies because they exploit that massive tails on social welfare. 

So it can be concluded that, in relation to one another is because environmental issues are still in one circle of ecology. Environment and humans shared a reciprocal relationship in an ecosystem. Environmental problems is a common problem and each individual's responsibility to keep his balance for social welfare. 


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